Serving Minden, Gardnerville, and Carson City

Serving Minden, Gardnerville, and Carson City

At-Home Euthanasia

Choosing to say goodbye to your pet is one of the most difficult decisions you may ever make in your life. Your pet should have their last moments at home surrounded by their family.

Life Quality Pet Care is committed to making the process as easy as it can be.

When you decide on at-home euthanasia , Dr. Gleason is caring, compassionate, empathetic, and non-judgmental. As a veterinarian, I am knowledgeable in regards to the progression of diseases and the suffering that is usually inevitable with these diseases.

What does it include?

  • Consultation on the phone
  • Sedation
  • Humane Euthanasia
  • Information on cremation services and options
  • Transportation for cremation, if elected.


Dr. Gleason is CAETA (The Companion Animal Euthanasia Training Academy) certified.

What to expect?

Outlined below are a few general things to expect from an at-home euthanasia. If you have any questions, special desires, or need any help in your decision-making, please do not hesitate to ask. If you would like a more detailed description of what the process is like, please contact us.

Before our arrival

Think about any arrangements you would like to make beforehand, such as family or friends that would like to be present, any special family or religious tributes/ceremonies you would like to have arranged. Plan to have other family members and pets in the house say goodbye if they will not be present on the day of the appointment.

Find a quiet place where you and your pet will feel most comfortable. You may choose a favorite room, a special place in the house, or even somewhere quiet outdoors.

At the time of the appointment

The procedure will be explained to you according to your interest level and comfort. Feel free to ask questions if needed. Once you and your pet are ready, the final drug is given, usually in a vein. It works very rapidly, only seconds in most cases. The veterinarian will then confirm that your pet has passed on.

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